Advanced Countries

Phone companies put everything they can invent in the invoice and obtain the payment anyway: as a matter of fact, the invoice is enough to obtain whatever they ask, and the client cannot do anything because there is no effective place where he can enforce his rights. Those companies which put less inventions, instead, make problems in the services they are (should be) obliged to provide by contract after a little while. It’s the usual game where the lawyer costs more than the theft, so that the lawyer himself gives up and pays anyway to save time for more productive works.

Moreover the places dedicated to these matters are actually ruled by the powerful provider, which can also mock you. And the more you are right, the more you have hundreds of pages of evidences and reasons, the more the company enjoys in mocking you, just because all the broken laws stay on the paper and all your documents are completely useless.

Does it happen everywhere or just in advanced, developed and democratic Countries?

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